
Anti-Zionist Party In France (P.A.S)

Again French people rise up to their human and historical responsibility and make a first in the international political arena. Aware of the the “ zionisation” of the world and specifically of their country with the new 'léche-bottes' Sarkouzi, who distributed profusely his fake smiles to gratify Israel for the horrendous crimes in Gaza and expressed his unconditional support to them, the free French people declare it out loud today ‘Stop Zionism from undermining free France and free French minds’. Here is a genuine French political offspring that might hearten the inhibited minds of the world to emulate them. I reproduce the goals of the fresh ANTI-ZIONIST PARTY as they appeared on http://atheonews.blogspot.com

In an attampt to rid it's country from the contol of Zionist Lobby Groups and organizations, France has launched it's new Anti Zionist Political Party called"Parti Anti Sioniste." Below are the party's goals taken from a translated page:




- To eliminate the Zionist interference in the affairs of the Nation.


- Denounce all the politicians who are advocating Zionism.


- Eliminating all forms of Zionism in the nation.


- Prevent companies and institutions to contribute to the war effort of a foreign nation that does not respect international law.


- Unleashing our state, our government and our institutions of the grip and the pressure of Zionist organizations.


- Unleashing the media for a plurality of information to promote freedom of expression.


- Promote the free expression of the politics, culture, philosophy and religion and free of Zionism.


- Restoring power in France and the French under the new geopolitical and economic rules on the big issues that engage the responsibility of the Nation.


- Do not engage France in the wars of colonization and repatriate our armed forces stationed in Africa, Afghanistan and around the world.


- Requiring a referendum for any new commitment of France abroad.


- Establish a bill to ban dual nationality to participate in war without explicit mandate of the Nation.


- Prohibit any militia whatever their faith.


- Establish a national dialogue to raise awareness and a society that excludes any advocacy of Zionism.


- Set the mode of voting by proportional representation so that all segments of society are represented.


- Advocate for the establishment of a society of justice, progress and tolerance.


 The link to the French version



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