

This video showing a clash between blacks and 
Zionists in Detroit about 'the HOLY COST' 
was BANNED by YouTube.
To have an idea about what is taking place in Detroit,
 just read the following. It's a stunning testimony by 
a Detroit dweller. For more details see this link:

The Future of Detroit: The Beginning of the End

Detroit has a 75 percent drop out rate.  You can only imagine the quality of the graduates of the school system, not that I am putting them down.  I am humbled by their tenacity and dedication, traits more important than facts in a book.  It's hard to imagine the difficulty in watching three-fourths of your classmates fall victim to assorted tragedies, the worst being a decrepit school system fueled by the apathy of the parents who don't give a damn about anything except fueling their self-absorbed narcotic cravings.

One student gets it.

“I think the bank bailouts are unnecessary. They don’t have the money to help the schools. The kids should come first. The president should be concerned about education. He should be concerned about the young generation—they are not helping us.

Twenty three over-crowded, under-funded schools in Detroit will close, with another 30 to follow next year.  Six hundred teachers just lost their paltry paychecks. 

She spoke of the overall decay of conditions in Detroit. “My whole family works for the car companies, and we have been hit hard. Because of what is happening, the schools are losing students and losing funding.

“Many of The kids at my school don’t think they have a future. They don’t think they will go to college. They don’t even think they will make it through high school. A lot of my students know someone who has been killed. I am hearing it more and more often.

“We have a lot of families at poverty level at my school. It seems we are getting them more and more often.”

She was angered by the payout of bonuses after insurer AIG got a government bailout. “Look at AIG; they are giving them everything they want. They should have put some sanctions on AIG and the banks. I owe more money on my house than it is worth. I don’t want to just walk away, because that just contributes to the problem in Detroit.

“I am struggling and I work. I have four jobs and I am a doctoral student. I have a good job as a teacher, but I can’t make ends meet on that one salary.”

Detroit will be the first city to fall.  The municipal government is canceling police and fire services to blighted and dangerous areas of the city.  It's going to be gang warfare until the ammo runs out.  After that, scenes from Escape from New York and Running Man come to mind.  The death of the auto industry put the final nails in the coffin.  No one is bailing out Detroit.  Bailouts and Stimulus checks aren't for the poor.  Those that continue to loot will do so until stopped.  While the poor remain as pawns of the pedophiles and misogynists that control the world. If there is an afterlife, are Bertrand Russel and Milton Friedman salivating with glee at the social and economic experiment they engineered?  Two lost souls, betting on the destruction of mankind.  It might be an interesting off Broadway drama populated by twenty-somethings wearing black and toting Kerouac, Che and Dostoevsky in their backpacks.

It's sad because there isn't a lot that can be done.  One third of Detroit residents live in poverty.  People need to take care of themselves, and this will involve much hardship, suffering, and ultimately deaths.  It doesn't do any good to throw more resources into it, as every school district and municipality will be facing the same dilemma this year.  No one will be immune.  It's so sad to watch, knowing that not much can be done.  People have to fight for their own freedom and their own destiny.  And it is a fight.  

It will be very difficult to maintain the idea that we are all in this together and we must all fight the oppression when we are fighting for scraps of food and shelter at night.  The only way the government can maintain control is if society splinters into violent factions based upon race, nationality, gang affiliation, bank account balance, or any cultural divide than can be exploited.  How do you reach into Detroit and tell those that will remain there to live in harmony?  To focus their anger in a positive and revolutionary manner?  And what right do I have to go in there as an outsider and suggest anything? 

So I sit and watch, knowing that it won't take long until the first shots are fired, ignored because there is no police force.  Buildings with squatters will burn, and no fire department to respond.  I don't even know what the solution is.  It is dependent upon those who live there and the communities they create for themselves.  It's just hard to have hope with their dismal educational record and the inevitable increase in violent crime.

It's a sad time.


The beginning of the end


Zionists should bear in mind what happened to old empires when their armies reached depredation. What happened in GAZA is a horrendous crime that was broadcast live by the free press of the world.

Zionists can only camouflage what they are able to control, but hundreds of cases are being filed against the bloody scoundrels involved in those crimes.

When one of those criminals is caught and brought to justice, an avalanche will sweep the rest of them clean. Jail will be swarming with them and those who flee will always be damned. Scorching Palestinian babies alive with forbidden weaponry will scorch the perpetrators' minds forever. Dastardly IDFs have started disclosing their atrocities and that’s the beginning of the end, a sign of internal erosion.


This is a nice poem by Michael Rosen about what Gazans 
endured during the Zionist barbarian 22-day attack.

Poem for Gaza 

by Michael Rosen

In Gaza, children,
you learn that the sky kills
and that houses hurt.
You learn that your blanket is smoke
and breakfast is dirt.

You learn that cars do somersaults
clothes turn red,
friends become statues,
bakers don’t sell bread.

You learn that the night is a gun,
that toys burn
breath can stop,
it could be your turn.

You learn:
if they send you fire
they couldn’t guess:
not just the soldier dies -
it’s you and the rest.

Nowhere to run,
nowhere to go,
nowhere to hide
in the home you know.

You learn
that death isn’t life,
that air isn’t bread,
the land is for all.
You have the right to be
Not Dead.
You have the right to be
Not Dead.
You have the right to be
Not Dead.

Yes you do my dear sweet children, yes you do.


Anti-Zionist Party In France (P.A.S)

Again French people rise up to their human and historical responsibility and make a first in the international political arena. Aware of the the “ zionisation” of the world and specifically of their country with the new 'léche-bottes' Sarkouzi, who distributed profusely his fake smiles to gratify Israel for the horrendous crimes in Gaza and expressed his unconditional support to them, the free French people declare it out loud today ‘Stop Zionism from undermining free France and free French minds’. Here is a genuine French political offspring that might hearten the inhibited minds of the world to emulate them. I reproduce the goals of the fresh ANTI-ZIONIST PARTY as they appeared on http://atheonews.blogspot.com

In an attampt to rid it's country from the contol of Zionist Lobby Groups and organizations, France has launched it's new Anti Zionist Political Party called"Parti Anti Sioniste." Below are the party's goals taken from a translated page:




- To eliminate the Zionist interference in the affairs of the Nation.


- Denounce all the politicians who are advocating Zionism.


- Eliminating all forms of Zionism in the nation.


- Prevent companies and institutions to contribute to the war effort of a foreign nation that does not respect international law.


- Unleashing our state, our government and our institutions of the grip and the pressure of Zionist organizations.


- Unleashing the media for a plurality of information to promote freedom of expression.


- Promote the free expression of the politics, culture, philosophy and religion and free of Zionism.


- Restoring power in France and the French under the new geopolitical and economic rules on the big issues that engage the responsibility of the Nation.


- Do not engage France in the wars of colonization and repatriate our armed forces stationed in Africa, Afghanistan and around the world.


- Requiring a referendum for any new commitment of France abroad.


- Establish a bill to ban dual nationality to participate in war without explicit mandate of the Nation.


- Prohibit any militia whatever their faith.


- Establish a national dialogue to raise awareness and a society that excludes any advocacy of Zionism.


- Set the mode of voting by proportional representation so that all segments of society are represented.


- Advocate for the establishment of a society of justice, progress and tolerance.


 The link to the French version



As a free and daring mind in Israel, Roger Tucker took the Arab-Israeli issue from another perspective. Though I don’t share fully his opinion as he has a different mindset, I would like my blog viewers to peep at his article which appeared on http://atheonews.blogspot.com
 The Case Against Israel's "Right To Exist"
An Open Letter to Representative David Price (D) 4th District, NC
By Roger Tucker
As you know, Mr. Price, I was invited to join a group of activists who met with you Monday morning to urge you to take action regarding the siege of Gaza, the Occupation and American support for Israel. I declined to attend because my particular focus is on One State advocacy, and you have made it crystal clear that this is not your view, nor is it ever likely to be (unless and until, in the due course of time, it becomes politically expedient). You represent the Triangle (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill), fondly known as the pat of butter in a sea of grits, a highly educated, liberal, metropolitan area that votes heavily Democratic. You received 63% of the vote in the recent election, and fly under the "progressive" flag. Yet you voted for House Resolution 34, supporting Israel's massacre in Gaza.
Dr. Sarah Shields of UNC took you to task for that in her excellent article, but biting and accurate as that was, she only went halfway. All of the actions you were urged to take are mere palliatives .They would serve no other purpose than to apply a little band-aid to a wound so deep and life threatening that the patient belongs in the Intensive Care Unit (too bad the hospital was bombed out of existence). That sort of thing makes progressives feel good about themselves but doesn't even begin to address the real problem, which is the continued existence of the State of Israel. To say such a thing is the most blasphemous conceivable heresy from the Zionist perspective, which they have managed to convince most Americans is a sane and reasonable point of view. But, like the "official" version of the Holocaust, that other jury-rigged pillar supporting the edifice of the Rube Goldberg contraption called Israel, it is actually sane and reasonable to call such dogmas into question. From the point of view of science and history, of reason and the pursuit of truth, there can be no forbidden subjects, or we take the risk of returning to the Dark Ages.
So let us examine this curious notion that Israel has some sort of inherent "right to exist," a claim that no other nation-state has ever felt it necessary to make. We would all agree that human beings have a right to exist, although there are many who would make an exception for those who commit murder. Some even go further and say that all sentient beings have a right to exist, but only in this one peculiar case is there this insistence that a particular nation-state has such an inalienable right. Why is that? Is it, perhaps, because in this particular case the contention is on particularly shaky ground? Sorry, but methinks the lady protesteth too much. We can't, particularly as Americans, question Israel's right to exist on the basis that they commit mass murder - so many nations, including our own, have routinely done so. Nor can we merely point to the fact that Israel is an ethnocentric colonial-settler state - patterned on the now universally abhorred orgy of 19th century European colonialism - which has established itself through a long, ongoing process of genocide against the indigenous population.
Would pointing out that Israel is a xenophobic, racist state that has been practicing ethnic cleansing since its inception do the trick? How about making the case that Israel practices a form of apartheid that observers like Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu say is worse than what existed in South Africa - would that suffice? What about the numerous crimes against humanity, serial violations of the fundamental principles of the UN enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Then, of course, one might say that Israel's flagrant flouting of International Law would be sufficient, or the fact that Israel has refused to even acknowledge numerous UN resolutions, let alone abide by them, or the commission of numerous war crimes, as perpetrated during the recent holocaust in Gaza,. Wasn't the not forgotten false flag attack on the USS Liberty in itself sufficient cause to change course? Still not enough? How about the clandestine development of nuclear weapons irrespective of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Israel refused to sign? These facts are beginning to add up - perhaps the combination of the above would be sufficient to make the case.
The Zionists chose to locate their Jewish State in Palestine, of all places. Actually, the idea was first cooked up by the British Home Office in the early 19th Century, one of many strategies contemplated to establish and secure the Empire. That came to nought, but the notion was popular in some circles and gained renewed momentum when Theodor Herzl popularized a paranoid scheme to create an impregnable ghetto somewhere, anywhere, where the Jewish People would at long last be insulated from the consequences of their actions. After shopping around, Palestine was chosen. This was the result of various coincidences; the sentimental attachment to their supposed origin in the Holy Land, as expressed in the venerable saying "Next year in Jerusalem," that it also happened to promise proxy control over the resources and markets of the Middle East, as well as offering a simple and convenient means for the Europeans to rid themselves, once again, of the accursed Jews (as they were nearly universally perceived).
The land, however, was already populated, and thus began the organized hasbara (Heb: propaganda) campaign that has reached a crescendo in our time, to the point that Zionism now has effective control of the entire Western world, with even the Vatican paying obeisance to their Zionist Inquisitors. They said, "A land without a people, for a people without a land" (coined by Lord Shaftesbury, 1853). The brazen self-deception and lying had begun, and has only gathered steam over time. And how were they going to reconcile a dream based firmly within the tradition of the Western Enlightenment, replete with democratic ideals and socialist idealism, with the stark reality of colonizing someone else's land against their will? The idealists at that time were in the firm majority, so, in the spirit of Cecil Rhodes and their own version of Manifest Destiny, they conjured up a vision of enlightened Westerners (never mind that the new settlers were the widely detested Eastern European ashkenazim , the scattered turko-finnic remnants of the Khazarian Empire, established by tribes allied with Attila the Hun) uplifting the primitive peoples of the Orient (never mind that the Palestinians were a highly cosmopolitan and civilized people consisting of Muslims, Christians and Jews - largely secular - who all got along rather swimmingly).
They would buy the land fair and square and build a veritable City of Light in Jerusalem, or so the story went. It would be a bi-national state shared between the natives and the newcomers. This was cultural Zionism, primarily a product of the idealistic Viennese and other Western European Jews, which predominated until the early days of the Third Reich, at which time a much darker form of Zionism (a near mirror image of Nazism) began to gain ascendancy among the immigrant Jews in Palestine. This was the political Zionism of Vladimir Jabotinsky, and with it came the original outrages of Middle Eastern terrorism at the hands of the Irgun and the Stern Gang, directed at both their Arab neighbors and the representatives of the British Mandate. The leaders of these terror organizations became the future Prime Ministers of Israel, Menachem Begin among them (Albert Einstein's warning was and is applicable to all of them), and this tradition has continued into another generation in the person of Tzipi Livni, the current Foreign Minister and daughter of Eitan Livni and Sara Rosenberg, both prominent former Irgun members. Israel is a terrorist organization masquerading as a nation.
Israel has been more or less continuously at war with its neighbors as well as the indigenous population since its inception. It has made no serious attempt to resolve the conflict other than through force, stonewalling and subversion (Oslo, Annapolis and Camp David were all charades), only a steady, seemingly inexorable process of bringing to fruition the Zionist dream of Greater Israel - either the more grandiose version that would encompass all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates, or the relatively modest one, from the Jordan River to the sea. Through financial and political arm-twisting, relentless hasbara that has established the fanciful Zionist narrative as "history" in the popular mind, and using the Holocaust to guilt-trip the craven and gullible Western world, the secular fascist ideology of Zionism and its quasi-religious sibling, the Holocult, have, in a very real sense, also conquered the West. An extraordinarily successful campaign one might say, the ultimate real estate scam, but one that is doomed, as it is based only on lies and greed, violence, bribery and extortion.
Merely pointing out that the State of Israel is an abomination on moral, ethical and legal grounds (and religious ones) is perhaps insufficient, but we can do better than that. We Americans are known for being a pragmatic people, so let's look at it from that perspective. I'll use a few analogies from the field of medicine to illustrate what I mean.
Zionism has been compared to a virus, even to a viral meme complex. The latter usage is apropos, but I'm referring to its biological meaning. It is an adaptation by a primitive organism that allows it to invade a host body and then multiply many fold, often inflicting serious injury on the host and sometimes even death. The original host was Palestine, but viruses are often contagious and may even cause epidemics, and there is no shred of a doubt that Zionism has become a major pandemic. It has already done enormous damage to the interests of the United States, and it threatens the well-being of the entire human race - in the worst case scenario, which is not all that far fetched, it threatens to plunge the world into a major nuclear conflagration.
Sometimes a useful plant is improved by grafting on a part from a closely related species, resulting in a beneficial hybrid. Grafting is also used in medicine, as in skin grafts. It is elementary to observe that the practitioners of these specialties must take great care to avoid rejection of the graft, or organ in the case of human transplants - otherwise the graft does harm to the host or patient, and often leads to death. Therefore, one would suppose that a group of people, with little in the way of military might and intending to colonize a foreign land would take sensible precautions to avoid such an outcome. In the case of the early 19th century Zionist "pioneers" in Palestine there was a healthy awareness of such dangers and therefore a tendency to act like civilized human beings. But as time went on and the settlers became much stronger vis-a-vis the locals such precautions were cast to the winds, and were replaced by the hoary adage that might makes right. The logical result of such a malignant grafting technique is the death of the host, as we have been witnessing over the last agonizing 60 years. And what, then, happens to the graft - can it survive by replacing the host? Perhaps, if the host had merely been Palestine, but the difficulty here is that Palestine was in many ways the hub of the Middle East and remains at the heart of the Islamic world, the larger host in this case. Can the graft survive in the midst of 1.2 billion people that have been outraged to the point of vowing that sooner or later, whatever it takes, the graft will get the shaft? As they say in medicine, the adverse side affects far outweigh any benefit and therefore the procedure is contra-indicated.
Last but not least, Israel resembles most closely a malignant tumor. It exists in a state of war with its host, sucking the life blood out of it. There are various modalities for dealing with such a tumor. One is to cut off its supply of blood, but we do just the opposite. Another is to improve the health and bolster the immune system of the affected patient. We do just the opposite. In the end it will have to be killed. There are various ways of doing this, from poisoning it with radiation and/or chemicals to having it surgically removed. It would be good if such drastic and dangerous methods could be avoided, but they are inevitable if in the meantime the tumor is not only allowed, but encouraged, to grow. The benign method, not available to modern medicine but easily achieved through political intervention, is to transform the whole of Palestine into a healthy, thriving, multiethnic democracy. Isn't that what we preach to the world (except in this one instance)? All it would take is a worldwide movement, similar to that which brought down apartheid South Africa. It is very doable, but decent, compassionate, aware people - people who pay more than mere lip service to such notions as peace and justice - need to stop pussyfooting around and get on the same page.
Israel cannot exist except in a state of war with an external enemy. Those who have lived there, like myself, know full well that absent a unifying enemy, Israelis would go at one another like cats and dogs and the so-called State would quickly dissolve into chaos. After all, Israel is comprised of a melting pot population that is only nominally "Jewish" and has no commonality other than the mostly fictitious Zionist narrative, a resurrected dead language, and the dubious opportunity to lord it over the untermenschen. It is only the Zionist elite who benefit by this ongoing tragedy - ordinary Israelis and Jews worldwide are as much victims of this scheme as are the Palestinians. They haven't suffered to anywhere near the same extent yet, but give it time. History has a way of repeating itself, and we all know that what goes around comes around. I can tell you that Jews like myself, who are aware of what has been going on and can see the handwriting on the wall, have no great desire to be up against the wall when the shit hits the fan.
As in South Africa, when the bloom began to fade from the rose - ah, the romantic and inspiring tale of the Afrikaaners as the 13th tribe of Israel! - the Israeli government has been desperately trying to combat the demographic problem by importing many thousands of pseudo-Jews, as well as trying to bribe the Persian Jews (at $10K/head). That was the rationale for importing the Ethiopians, hundreds of thousands of Russians who merely have to declare that they are Jews no matter how far-fetched (or purely fictitious) the connection, and now they have gone so far as to ship in Peruvian Incas no less. They'll take anybody, as long as they aren't Palestinians (the rightful owners of the land) or Muslims from anywhere. In spite of all that, there has been a net loss of population in the last two years as the rats begin to leave the ship.
Congressman Price, isn't it high time something were done about this, that Americans finally stand up and stop acting like pitiful sheep with wool covering their eyes? And don't even think about mentioning the so called "two state solution," that fraudulent scam, that ridiculous fig-leaf for further ethnic cleansing, or any of the other lame excuses for procrastinating (I've heard them all), like waiting for the Palestinians to take the lead. Don't you think they would jump at the chance (70% support a one-state solution in historic Palestine where Muslims, Christians and Jews would live together with equal rights and responsibilities), or do you think they're stupid?
Little talked about are the obvious benefits to the Israelis (even the Zionists). At long last they could have the peace and security that they, like any other people, long for. They would have the option of living anywhere they choose in Palestine, without having to act like ravening beasts. In cooperation with the Palestinians and the neighboring peoples, they could develop a healthy, prosperous and respected country and region. And if this all happens voluntarily, while the demographics are still on their side, they could negotiate an advantageous deal that would leave them with much of what they now have, and without the enormous expense of an incredibly out-sized military or the threat of eventual destruction. That would truly be a real victory for the Israelis, for all Jews, for the Palestinians and for everyone else - what they call a win-win situation. But the clock is ticking.
The choice is, theoretically, among four possible solutions. Which among them would you choose, based on the best available information? It is, as they say, a no-brainer.
Roger Tucker is a writer and activist living in the Triangle, NC. He is a committed advocate for the One State Solution. He is thinking of moving out of the country, perhaps to Mexico, conceivably to Tierra del Fuego, maybe even off planet, although he worries that he might be getting too old to learn a new language. This essay was first published on his websitehttp://onestate.info on Mar 13, 2009.
Again French people rise to their responsibility and make a first in the international political arena. Aware of the the zionization of the world and specifically of their country with the new 'léche-bottes' Sarkouzi who went to gratify Israel for their horrendous crimes in Gaza and distributed his fake smiles to everyone there. 
I reproduce here what has been published on 

In an attampt to rid it's country from the contol of Zionist Lobby Groups and organizations, France has launched it's new Anti Zionist Political Party called"Parti Anti Sioniste." Below are the parties goals taken from a translated page:
EFFORTS AND AMBITIONS OF ANTI Zionist PARTY IN FRANCE  To eliminate the Zionist interference in the affairs of the Nation.  Denounce all the politicians who are advocating Zionism.  Eliminating all forms of Zionism in the nation.  Prevent companies and institutions to contribute to the war effort of a foreign nation that does not respect international law.  Unleashing our state, our government and our institutions of the grip and the pressure of Zionist organizations.  Unleashing the media for a plurality of information to promote freedom of expression.  Promote the free expression of the politics, culture, philosophy and religion and free of Zionism.  Restoring power in France and the French under the new geopolitical and economic rules on the big issues that engage the responsibility of the Nation.  Do not engage France in the wars of colonization and repatriate our armed forces stationed in Africa, Afghanistan and around the world.  Requiring a referendum for any new commitment of France abroad.  Establish a bill to ban dual nationality to participate in war without explicit mandate of the Nation.  Prohibit any militia whatever their faith.  Establish a national dialogue to raise awareness and a society that excludes any advocacy of Zionism.  Set the mode of voting by proportional representation so that all segments of society are represented.  Advocate for the establishment of a society of justice, progress and tolerance.


That summarises the whole situation. When the world is biased and looking only one way, whatever you do, you are always to blame. Should you cross your hands and wait for them to kill you, they will make you responsible for your own death. Still, the rockets you shoot, as rudimentary as they may look, prove that you are existing and you are there to stay. Disrupt their sleep, turn their dreams into nightmares, tap on their nerves, make them live a hell of a life...Let the coward Zionists ponder over each blast for days. Each blast will push a coward of them to pack out of your land. 


Embracing Gazans

Like a convoy of pilgrims who arrived on the MOULED DAY to GAZA - a notion so evocative in the collective memory of Muslims- Galloway and his followers “suited the action to the word”. A first in benevolence! But this is more than sympathy. In so doing, Galloway had belittled his own countryman Tony Blair, who bore no interest to Palestinians and who actually had a hand in marginalizing Hamas. The convoy crossed borders and endured difficulties to finally set foot on GAZA soil still mixed with the innocent victims’ blood. Kneeling to kiss the land of GAZA, Galloway embraced the souls of all the GAZANS–those living and those who passed away- in a loving and compassionate way. Who of the Arab leaders dared to leave his fortified bastion to go and see valour and heroism in women’s and children’s eyes in Gaza? That might annoy the Patrons in USA and Europe, they will tell you. But this is another slap on the treacherous Arab leaders’ faces after the ones they received from Latin America.  An old Arabic saying is worth citing here “you might have a brother your mother has never begotten” 


When a picture is worth a billion words!

The attaché at the Norwegian Embassy in Riadh came up with this persuasive comparative picture  study about the horrendous Zionist  crimes. Poignant as they are, the pictures establish a striking similarity between Nazists and Zionists. 
The respactable attaché was subject to a heavy pressure from the Zionist regime. But the good word always resonates. Credit go to the respectable Norwegian attaché.
This is only for dissemination. 


To the horde of ZOMBIEZIONISTS in Israel

The heartless ZOMBIEZIONISTS did it

The eyless  ZOMBIEZIONISTS saw it happen

The earless ZOMBIEZIONISTS made them cry

The brainless  ZOMBIEZIONISTS justified it

The soulless  ZOMBIEZIONISTS  hailed it 

The speechless ZOMBIEZIONISTS allowed it to happen in their names

The gutless ZOMBIEZIONISTS  in uniform orchestrated it

But free people of the world won't let it go unpunished